So I haven't blogged in a minute....and you missed me...yeah I know...other than taking on a new challenge...I have been READING...yes reading.
Growing up whenever I would hear my mum say, "Child you need to read, you need to love books they will save your life"....I would run. I associated it with school...even if it was novels, yes , the romantic type too or not (just wasn't my thing.....surely if I need romance I create it...true story) I WOULD RUN.....
Growing up whenever I would hear my mum say, "Child you need to read, you need to love books they will save your life"....I would run. I associated it with school...even if it was novels, yes , the romantic type too or not (just wasn't my thing.....surely if I need romance I create it...true story) I WOULD RUN.....
Well.....later in life I found out that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, and for the most it would require me to pick up a book.
I must share this amazing book that I am reading WHY MEN LOVE BITCHES
by Shery Argov. Its a MUST READ. Because apparently men love
BITCHES..hang on before you chop my head off for using the B-word....let
me explain.
In the few chapters I have read, I have
discovered the reason why I don't get far with the opposite sex.... I am
a nice girl. And for the first time I discovered that being a nice girl is
NOT HOT. Believe it.
What I need to be is a B.I.T.C.H... a Babe In Total Control of Herself.n (nodding head profusely)
men are sure to be attracted to you until they discover your nice, you
are easy swayed, they can calculate your every move, there is no chase
because you are readily available. A bitch however, loves herself
FIRST...she will be available when it suits HER. Will not make you her
world UNTIL you earn it. The chase is as important to a man as it is to a
cat chasing a rat. (bad example but hey, its true.)
am only doing ME, what makes ME happy, giving my time to HE who earns
it and by God walking away from the non starters. YES a new me... a
BITCH... Babe In Total Control of Herself...lest you get all testy with
me and misinterpret me like some celebrity blog is so fond of
doing...but that's a story for another day.
Read the book single ladies.... WHY MEN LOVE BITCHES by Shery Argov
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